

The Bloodhound Project BLOODHOUND SSC's latest aerodynamic shape

BLOODHOUND SSC's latest aerodynamic shape

Engineering News
Thursday, 22 April, 2010

It was recently announced that the BLOODHOUND Aerodynamics team have resolved the issue of excessive tail lift at supersonic speeds. The story is still unfolding in the Engineering section (see Parametric Study and Design of Experiments), but 1K Club members had an exclusive preview of the shape that has emerged. If you want to join the 1K Club and see other exclusive items before they are released on the general website, then go to the 1K Club joining page!

This video clip has been produced by sponsor Siemens from their NX CAD software, and shows the much flatter sides and narrower rear wheel track as it spins the computer model of the car around:


(Please note there is no sound on this clip)

The engineering team and sponsors involved in this solution are:

Mark Chapman, Brian Coombs, Ben Evans, Bjorne Rodde, Iain Niven