

The Bloodhound Project Disclaimer on use of information and data

Bloodhound Programme Limited has provided this data as advisory and indicative and specifically and exclusively for the purpose of education. All facts, figures, concepts and principals provided relate only to the Bloodhound project. They may be inaccurate, out of date and subject to revision without notice. Under no circumstances should the data provided (or any derivative thereof) be used in whole or in part for any project, except in a purely theoretical environment. It should be understood that the entire project is experimental with high levels of personal risk and danger.

Bloodhound Programme Limited, its directors, designers and associates do not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for use by any party of the data provided in breach of these terms.

All data provided by Bloodhound Programme Limited is confidential and proprietary to the Bloodhound Programme Limited. All such data shall only be used for the purposes of education and shall not be used by any party for commercial gain.