BLOODHOUND breaks its first world record.
Today, 27th May 2011, at the Joseph Leckie Community Technology College in Walsall, students raced their miniature BLOODHOUND rocket car into the record books when it streaked across the playground at 88.89 mph. BLOODHOUND team member Gerry Heather was on hand to offer advice and scaled the speed up to the equivalent of a full size car reaching 259 mph! This is a prime example of how the BLOODHOUND Education Programme has been picked up by schools across the UK.
Head of Technology, Nick Radburn, and teacher Trevor Howard show the car to Councillor Gary Perry, Mayor of Walsall, Dave Rowley, Kristian Teufel, Guinness Records Manager, Gerry Heather and College Governor, Madeleine Holland
The 13 and 14 year olds from the year 9 Design and Technology class has spent two terms studying the BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car in great detail before designing and developing a scale model rocket car.
The 52 cm balsawood model was fitted with D-Class Estes rocket motors and fired 100 metres along a high tensile wire, through the timing gates and into the record books.
One of the early design drawings
The Guinness World Record officials were on hand to ratify the record and ensure the runs and timing gear were all in line with their international rules.
The JLCTC Arrow begins its record breaking run
Head teacher Keith Whittlestone said “This project has captured the imagination of staff and students, not only within the technology faculty but in the college as a whole. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to be engaged in practical projects which enables them to better understand complex scientific engineering and mathematical principles at first hand, therefore increasing the relevancy of the curriculum, improving interest and motivation of our students which will hopefully lead to higher levels of examination results.”
13 year old Ibrahim Al-Hassan said “It’s awesome to have broken the record after working on the car all term. We can’t wait to build a faster one next year”.
Joseph Leckie Community Technology College have set the bench mark of 88.89 mph and have set their sights on 100mph. Could your school build one to challenge their record?
Anxious times as the speeds are scrutinised by Guinness World of Records official, Kristian Teufel
The JLCTC Arrow streaks through the timing trap at over 80 mph
A New World Record is awarded and the team celebrate!!
See also Cisco Bloodhound TV Episode 2