In support of Protocol National’s relationship with Doncaster College, the full size Show car and the Bloodhound Driving Experience visited Doncaster to promote the Educational aims of the Project to Students, Staff and the general public in the Doncaster Area.
Whilst the Show Car was being un-loaded a sizable crowd watched in awe as Ian (J & G Lockwood) carefully manoeuvred the Car to the Aireshelta which was the base for the two day visit. Visitors to the display were expertly greeted by local Bloodhound Ambassadors, Stuart Bontoft and Nick Naylor who quickly got stuck in and delivered some great impromptu presentations.
Alan Sergeant (Intel) expertly set up the Bloodhound Driving Experience in the Atrium and was soon swamped with interested Students and Staff all eager to try their hand at The World Land Speed Record. David Beynon (Protocol National) introduced Jonathan Ellis (picture right) at the start of a series of six presentations to Students from the Motor Vehicle, Construction and Engineering departments with a few ICT and Creative Media students looking at the some of the other aspects of the Project. Justine Squitieri (Protocol National) managed to present the Project to some South Yorkshire Police Officers who were on a “shout” (false alarm) in the area. Every opportunity was seized to present BLOODHOUND SSC to the public.
The College had promoted an evening presentation to be delivered by Jonathan Ellis which was attended by 75 members of the general public who seemed to enjoy the videos and pictures of Thunderbirds along with a “visualisation” exercise taking the audience back to their Primary School years for a game of Top Trumps.
Tuesday heralded the visit of the Mayor of Doncaster, Peter Davies who after a brief introduction to the Project by Jonathan Ellis was given a full tour of the Show Car and displays by Jo Finch. The Mayor completed his visit with a trip on the Bloodhound Diving Experience (picture left) where he managed to achieve a respectable speed of over 1000mph (but only just!). We were very lucky to be supported by Ruth Amos (Young Engineer for Britain, Women of the Year and Bloodhound Ambassador, picture below) and Richard Wright (Yorkshire Forward AEM Champion and AMP Project Officer) who both delivered very engaging and informative presentations to inspire the students.
The visit to Doncaster was a great success for the Project with actions on the Education Team to engage with all 90 Primary Schools and 15 Senior Schools, with the Children’s University and to offer outreach opportunities for the College using Bloodhound Educational Resources.
Pictures: courtesy Doncaster College