

The Bloodhound Project Archive


The BLOODHOUND Project’s Team members contribute valuable time and energy to all aspects of what we do, including both engineering and education. Alongside their day jobs, some of our Team have recorded their involvement in diaries, while others have written articles on the science and technology behind the Car.

Our Project Archive includes some of these contributions, from both current and former members of the Team. These include project director Richard Noble’s diary. Richard has always been busy running the Project, but over the last few years he simply hasn’t had time to write for the website as well. Instead, our driver Andy Green continues to chronicle the Project’s progress in his monthly diary.

Also in the Archive you’ll find our Picture of the Week section, which has a great selection of images up to 2015. Since then, we’ve used social media, including Twitter and Facebook, to publish these images instead, so please follow us on one or both platforms to see our latest news and photos.

In the Archive

Explore the Archive to find: